IPCC and causes (CO2, GHG)

       Please find below the list of publications on this theme.

France “ON Track” to Meet its CO2 Target : Really?
COP 28: Let's Talk Numbers
Newsbrief : Carbon Neutrality - What Are We Talking About?
Carbon Neutrality - What Are We Talking About?
Air pollution and climate : The unexpected testimony of methane
Energy & Climate: France and Europe have made many mistakes
Summer of 2022: the standard for 2050?
Newsbrief : Massive methane leaks that must be prevented
Point de vue : EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Financing: the need to reform the European electricity system
“Futurs énergétiques 2050” (Energy futures for 2050)
Newsbrief: Which Energies for the Near and Medium Term?
Newsbrief: Climate: a weak France sacrificing its interests within a weak Europe
France's and Europe's Electricity Supply Security is at Risk
France's and Europe's Electricity Supply Security is at Risk (short version)
Natural Gas Treated as "Clean Energy" by the European Union, LREM and the Former President of WWF France
Presentation note : Nuclear Power reduced to 50 %: Less Security, More CO2
Nuclear Power reduced to 50 %: Less Security, More CO2
Fessenheim: the Second Step in a Disastrous Drift
Nuclear Excluded from EU Sustainable Finance? An Aberration!
Fessenheim Nuclear Reactor Permanent Shutdown - An Immense Waste for the Climate and for the Country
Australia: Has the War Against Climate Change Begun?
Which Energy Sources to save the climate ?
In 2020, France Must not Spoil Its Excellent "Climate Assets"
A Political Decision: The Early Shutdown of the Fessenheim Nuclear Power Plant ... an Approach à la Gribouille
EU must include nuclear power in its list of sustainable sources